Time with God | Author Marcia Freeman


Time with God

There are some days that life gets in the way of our time with God.  You may arise late, have an early commitment, or a child that gets up earlier than normal.  There are many unforeseen circumstances that can interfere with your time with God.  As much as I do my best to arise before my day starts, I do have these unforeseen circumstances.  I don’t ever like to cut my time short with God.  I begin to feel rushed and the time with Him is not quality time in my eyes.  I asked God about this the other day when this happened, and this is what I heard:

Dear sweet child, I know your commitment to Me.  I know your heart.  I know your sadness when you have a shortened time with Me.  I am your Father and understand.  How do you feel with your daughter has a shortened time with you?  It saddens you, but you understand, right?  That is how I am as well.  It saddens Me, but I do understand, so even if it’s shorter, make it quality time!”

So even when your time with God is rushed or interrupted, know that He understands, but is happy that you are spending time with Him.  Just as you feel when someone important in your life takes time with you! 

God Bless,


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© 2025 Marcia Freeman

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